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Remember Maxi Iglesias because he might be the latest handsome boy on Netflix

Remember Maxi Iglesias because he might be the latest handsome boy on Netflix

We’re not even wondering if we owe America a huge chunk of the best series in cultural history, but thanks to Netflix, Spain is also starting to split strongly around the world — just think Elite. But Valeria or The Cook of Castamar also performs well on the streaming provider’s charts. We have already mentioned the previous series because we thank them for them. Maxi Iglesias, who can easily add a Regé-Jean or a Regé-Jean to the Netflix list of Handsome Boys Desires / Reality Next to his star, Adam Demos.

Maxi Iglesias (Photo: Instagram / @maxi_iglesias)

And if you’ve already been drawn to Maximiliano Teodoro Iglesias Acevedo (it’s easy to say the name of the artist), you’ll surely find out more about him…

30 years, 30 turns

It is no coincidence that Maxi has become one of the most popular actors in Spain today, having worked hard for his success since childhood. The guy, who was born in 1991, was only six years old when he first appeared on the screens, and since 2005 he has been playing something. (There are already over 30 roles beside his name on his IMDb profile, although he only turned 30 this year. This number will obviously continue to grow in the future…)

In a sea of ​​feelings

In addition to acting, music is also very close to his heart, and not just as a fan. Maxi, who loves this kind of house chores, threw herself into record riding years ago and has already performed on several shows as a DJ. But travel is also a great passion, having already reached the United States, Peru and Argentina. He loves hiking and spending a lot of time on the water – he also surfs, surfs and snorkels. “I can say that I have an affinity with the sea. If I had to define it, I would say that it is a mixture of love, passion and respect…” He said. In fact, he even has a good sense of photography!

Maxi Iglesias

Maxi Iglesias (Photo: Instagram / @maxi_iglesias)

pasta vs. Baby

Maxi has already left her clothes for Valeria and The Cook of Castamar, and looking at her abs, there is no doubt that she spends a lot of time training. Diet, on the other hand, is not of its kind. “I love to eat, so I won’t have a hard time giving up on dieting. For example, I would never say no to pasta.” He said.

Where is the love story?

Although he loosely betrays his favorite food, his private life is by no means an open book to his followers. The status of his relationship, for example, is uncertain, but in the summer it was rumored that he met the Peruvian singer and actress, Stephanie Caillou. That is, until you are officially busy, you can dream about it. That’s why we’re leaving you a picture here to close…

Netflix is ​​full of handsome guys anyway:

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