Tolvay Raini In a mysterious post, he told his fans that he had surgery, which he did Doctor. Zsolt Krasznai is over. The plastic surgeon now told me exactly what procedure she had for the singer and what part of her body she had plasticized.
Reni’s arm has been cut off
The doctor said it was a new, proven treatment developed in America. This method must be applied from the inside, which requires 2-3 small incisions with a length of 2 millimeters. You can bypass the procedure in half an hour without pain. Dr. said. Zsolt Krasznai.
Renin now uses this device on his arm, because he’s started using it on his upper arm, stomach, and thigh. It gives you a choice not to treat an unsightly scar, for example, a humerus relaxant.” plastic surgeon said.
The doctor said that the singer really needed this surgery, and it was often discussed because she changed her weight several times.
“This is advertised and applied as a one-time intervention. By implication, it does not have the effect of excision of excess skin, but it does have a very large scar.” Expert revealed.