277 successful applicants from the University of Debrecen (DE), Bachelor's and Master's students, PhD students, PhD candidates, lecturers and researchers who successfully participated in...
Japanese researchers have experimentally demonstrated that some fungi are able to recognize the structure of their environment and adjust their growth accordingly. In recent...
A történelem során számos súlyos áradást kellett átvészelnie az emberiségnek, melyek rengeteg életet követeltek és hatalmas károkat okoztak. Hazánk sem volt kivétel, elég csak...
2. Dr. Laszlo Renka Memorial CompetitionDebrecen – 14-15 September 2024. Last weekend, Debrecen Sportuszoda hosted the first autumn competition of the senior swimming season,...
A Föld második holdja: rövid látogatás egy kisbolygótól A Hold egyeduralma a Föld körül rövid időre felborulni látszik: a tudósok szerint egy kisbolygó szeptember...
The Board of Trustees of the Gróf Tisza István Debrecen University Foundation, which runs the university, and the Foundation's management presented the Distinguished Publication...
Twenty-five authors received the Publication Award and eighteen doctoral students received the Doctoral Award for Excellence in the University Hall of Debrecen. Alföld TV...
As we talk about it I mentioned yesterdayIn recognition of their performance, they welcomed athletes from the MVM Szeged Aquatics Association who attended the...