277 successful applicants from the University of Debrecen (DE), Bachelor's and Master's students, PhD students, PhD candidates, lecturers and researchers who successfully participated in...
Japanese researchers have experimentally demonstrated that some fungi are able to recognize the structure of their environment and adjust their growth accordingly. In recent...
twelfth. Senior National Open Swimming Championships and VII. Danube Cup Senior Team Swimming Championship, Kecskemet – 04/15/16/2023. In 2023, Kecskemet will host the twelfth....
The closing program of the 36th National Student Scientific Conference, which is the largest scientific program series in Hungarian higher education, started at the...
The Final of the Student Aerobics Olympiad was held in Piliscsaba, where 30 competitors from the Spartacus Torna Club represented the Nyíregyháza schools. Of...
The Bácsvíz Cup was held in Kecskemet for two days, with 594 competitors from 39 associations participating. The youth of the Kiskunhalasi Swimming and...
According to a Pew Research Center survey, nearly two-thirds of Americans believe that artificial intelligence will have a significant impact on the fate of...
But why are rules important? Most people have probably asked themselves this question during their lifetime. However, the answer sounds very simple and reasonable...
Smell is the stepchildren of sight and hearing exams Concerning: their nature and action, and even their importance, are neglected, although they have an...