The US President has criticized the Supreme Court’s decision to abolish the constitutional right to abortion in the United States.

Joe Biden then said that women’s health and lives are at risk in this country Supreme court Bypassed the decision to legalize abortion at the federal level. The US president criticized the decision, saying it was a sad day for the court and the country. He put it this way: A Supreme Court ruling would set the United States back 150 years.

Urging voters to send lawmakers to Congress who will work to legalize the right to abortion as a law of the country, he headed to the midterm campaign. In November, the entire Congress and one-third of the Senate will be re-elected.

Roe will be on the ballot this fall. Personal liberties are included in the vote

Biden said, referring to the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision that made abortion legal across the country.

Constitutional abortion rights are abolished in the United States

Nearly fifty years ago, a US Supreme Court decision guaranteed women the right to terminate their pregnancies, not only if their health or life was in danger, but also if they did not want to become pregnant. Now, thanks to a conservative majority on the Supreme Court, overriding that right is at your fingertips.

Norma McCorvey, who sued Jane Roe under an assumed name, sued Dallas Attorney General Henry Wade in 1970, and in a case brought to the top, constitutional judges struck a balance between women’s basic rights and regulating abortion if she was free until 24 weeks . from pregnancy. Make abortion possible.


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Constitutional abortion rights are abolished in the United States

Evan Laszlo NagyLife + Style

The US Supreme Court has now faced the 1973 decision of Roe v. Wade. A blanket abortion ban was imposed in Missouri within half an hour of the decision.

The most stringent abortion law in the United States was signed into law by the Governor of Oklahoma

MTILife + Style

Under the new regulations, anyone who can help women terminate their pregnancies can also be prosecuted.