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Scientists design colorful paint that can cut electricity bills | Sciences

Scientists design colorful paint that can cut electricity bills |  Sciences

The summer season has become hotter, which we can feel on our skin, and because of this there is an increased demand for air conditioners, which require a lot of energy, which leads to harmful emissions, but thanks to the new colored coatings, everything may change in the future. .

Scientists at Stanford University have created just such a substance plannedWhich can reflect up to 80 percent of the sun’s mid-infrared light, which is ten times more reflective than traditional colored paints. Medium infrared light is usually absorbed as heat by the surface of buildings, so if the paint is used externally, the interior of the building will not heat up.

Tested under laboratory conditions a The coating reduced the amount of energy needed to cool an enclosed space by approximately 21 percentAnd reduced the energy required to heat the space by 36 percent. According to the researchers, the entire building can save 7.4% of energy thanks to the coating. By the way, the material consists of two layers, which are applied sequentially. The first is the reflective bottom layer, which contains silver aluminum foil. The second is a transparent infrared top layer containing colored inorganic nanoparticles.

The researchers are still improving this technology, but they hope it can be commercialized in the future. We wrote earlier that according to a scientist, if we paint 2% of the Earth white, it will stop global warming.

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