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Season 3 of Bridgerton and Baby Deer has generated amazing profits for Netflix

Season 3 of Bridgerton and Baby Deer has generated amazing profits for Netflix

Netflix performed exceptionally well in the second quarter: According to the streaming giant, its subscriber count increased by more than 8 million in three months, according to reports. BBC.

Netflix owes its huge profits to two popular series: The Bridgerton Family season 3 and Baby Deer.

It is said that due to these two series, the service provider exceeded investors’ expectations and managed to make double the profits they had previously expected. According to Netflix’s statement, this is a clear confirmation that tightening password sharing will prove to be a successful tactic in the long run (and they also expect subscriber growth to apparently slow down in the coming months due to the tightening.)

According to Netflix, thanks to its first-quarter earnings, it now has over 277 million subscribers worldwide,

But according to their estimates, more than 600 million people can watch Netflix, if we also take into account that more people live in one household, meaning more viewers consume content with one subscription.

Turn the page and read more about the two popular series!

See also  Netflix has not made it impossible to use passwords on multiple devices
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