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Shadle’s secretary blackmailed one of the will’s executors, took defense money, and then betrayed her boss right off the bat.

Shadle’s secretary blackmailed one of the will’s executors, took defense money, and then betrayed her boss right off the bat.

On November 5, 2021, a few minutes before 2:30 p.m., György Schädel’s car was stopped by emergency police on its way to the premium parking lot of Ferihegy Airport. Shadel had allegedly traveled to Dubai with his wife and several million forints in euros and dirhams, for a ten-day vacation. However, according to the police, he received information and wanted to flee the country, since there was no extradition agreement between Hungary and the UAE. Shadle was handcuffed at the scene and has since been arraigned and detained.

An hour and a half after György Schädel’s arrest, at three o’clock in the afternoon, the National Defense Service staff appeared spoon In his apartment in Monori. The pseudonym Kanál on the eavesdropping records covers F. Vivien, who had actually been a direct colleague of Šadl for ten years, on paper as an executor candidate, but in reality as a financier and secretary.

Kanal’s clothes were immediately searched, and after a short conversation, he was taken to the Central Public Prosecutor’s Office in Nepligate. NVSZ employees handed the woman over to the Public Prosecution at five in the afternoon.

We don’t know what happened in the next three hours. On the other hand, it is true that the Public Prosecution charged F. Vivian accused him of aiding and abetting the crime of official bribery, but offered him a plea deal if he cooperated. Canal apparently didn’t want to go to prison, and didn’t think much about it, because he agreed to the plea deal right away.

He immediately broke down and confessed to Shadel

Just over three hours after her arrival, at 20.19, the secretary’s interrogation without a lawyer began. He said without hesitation that he had been working for Schädel for ten years, who in recent years had often visited the Ministry of Justice to meet with Pál Wöllner and gave him 2-3 million HUF for various services.

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Canale also talked about how they saved their income and expenses in an Excel spreadsheet, where they had a separate name for the amounts allocated to Feulner. He admitted that only a few people made it to the table, including himself knife (M. Victor), chauffeur.

After interrogation, the Deputy Public Prosecutor immediately signed and F. Vivien agreed to a plea agreement, in which authorities offered the woman impunity if she told all about the corrupt relationship between Shadel and Feulner and provided evidence of it. As is often the case, prosecutors justified the agreement by saying they were more interested in exposing Shadel and Feulner than in punishing Canal.

F. was interrogated. Vivian a second time (this time with her lawyer) on 11 November, when she was shown the documents found on one of the laptops in the Shadle outlet office treasury An Excel spreadsheet called . The secretary then testified in detail, one by one, about the contents of the table, and primarily about the multimillion-dollar items listed in it, which were allegedly given to Feulner.

On November 16, during the third interrogation, Canale arrived with a penguin-shaped rubber pen, which he was carrying. Monksi settlement He showed prosecutors an Excel spreadsheet called That included payments to the sheriff’s office in Meneur, which Shadel collected money owed to him through Canal.

Biggest spoon throw

F. Vivien became involved in her boss’s defense funds scheme when, four years before the inquest, an acquaintance of hers, Balázs Szabó, applied to be executor of the will. While smoking a cigarette in the office, the secretary broached the subject with Shadel, who merely asked if Szabo was reliable. The secretary said yes, and Shadel arranged an appointment for Szabo.

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Szabó had barely received his assignment when F. Vivien told him that he must hand over half of the office’s profits to Schadl “so that everyone will be happy.” Shadel’s secretary described this during interrogation: “I don’t think Balázs Szabó expected it, he was a bit terrified, but he thought about it and went in. I probably talked to him about it as well. Although I don’t remember exactly what kind of conversation we had in a restaurant Pizza at Meneur, except I remember being nervous too.I don’t think it was necessary to explain to Balazs why Gyuri was demanding 50 percent of his income, because he also knew about Shadle that he had practically absolute power over the executors as president of the college.

So, in the first round, Szabó gave half of his winnings to Schadl through Kanal, who said half of it would go to Wöllner. However, later, Shadle allowed his secretary to claim half of Szabo’s remaining profits for herself, and the executor agreed to this as well. From then on, only a quarter of the profit remained with Szabo, the second quarter of which went to Canal, the third quarter to Shadel, and the fourth quarter, according to Shadel, to Wöllner.

Szabo was appointed as executor of Monor by Shadel in 2018, and has since handed over three-quarters of his office’s profits to Canal in cash each year. According to Kanal, this amount was once such a sum that he did not even want to bring it to Shadel’s office, but asked Kiss, Shadel’s driver, to come pick it up and deliver it to him in Monoron, on the street.

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Incidentally, Szabo pleaded guilty in May of this year and testified in detail against Shadel, so he only got a suspended prison sentence in return. He testified that he gave a total of 190.5 million Hungarian forints as protection money to Kanal. According to Kanál, he personally received 40 million of Szabó’s profits.

He’s not in the dock

Although the defense case presented by F. Vivian, however, the judicial system stuck to the original agreement, and therefore she participated in the trial not as an accused, but as a witness. His interrogation actually began in June, when he repeated in detail the confessions he had made in the first days (always separate from the accused for his own protection).

In the courts, for example, he talked about how at one point Szabo was asked for more money than before, which was justified by the fact that Feulner should get some of it as well. Another time, he said he had to prepare the money for the Secretary of State in an undistinguished envelope before Shadel got into the car with them.

The autumn period of negotiations begins with further questioning of F. Vivien, and Shadel’s legendary invention will later be on the table as well. We wrote more about the developments expected in the fall here.

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