The SDN menu is preserved by OFAC and includes people, companies and institutions paid by financial and economic sanctions in the United States for various reasons. It is prohibited to create a trade relationship with the list in the United States. OFAC updates the list regularly based on changes in the global political and economic situation.
During the latest modifications, no Hundred citizens were included other than Antal Rogán. According to a statement issued by the agency on January 7, Antal Rogan, a senior official in the Hungarian government, was approved due to corruption activities. This procedure happened on the basis of Presidential Decree No. 13818, which imposes a global law for human rights accountability in Magnitsky and aims at the perpetrators of corruption and human rights violations.
Bradley said. Smith, Deputy Foreign Minister of the Ministry of Finance, for the harmful effects of corruption:
“Corruption weakens government institutions, hinders economic development, and will take in the long term opportunities from future generations in exchange for a short -term enrichment of a narrow elite.”
The announcement confirmed that the corruption of the public sector has increased in Hungary in recent years. In the 2023 international corruption index, Hungary was the worst classification of the European Union and the European Union suspended many funding in the country due to the violation of the rule of law. In the system that the informants described as “clutchocrat”, companies between the state and the private sector are often vague and prefer political interest groups.
Antal Rogan, head of the Prime Minister's office, runs a number of government agencies and played an important role in obtaining public purchasing resources to the business departments in Fredesz. According to the American authorities, it has established a corruption network that seeks to manage the strategic sectors and its revenue expenses.
Antal Rogan was approved by the following corruption activities:
- Stoll the origins of the state,
- Confiscation of private property,
- Purchasing violations,
- Exploitation of natural resources,
- Bribery.
According to the sanctions, US sanctions are closed in the United States or owned by Americans and the activities of the companies concerned are also suspended. Any commercial transaction linked to the punishable person is prevented unless OFAC is given a separate permit.
Diplomatic circles have already been punished for being punished by members of the US government, including Rogan. According to information, the goal of the Biden administration was to transfer the case to new President Donald Trump, the new president on January 20.
source: Telex