- When can the game be played?
- A couple tried to find out
- Some say in 2.5 billion days
The stray It’s clearly set sometime in the future, as the world you navigate as a cat is inhabited by human-made robots, but those humans are no longer alive. that stray Exactly how far the plot will take place in the future, one of the players has found evidence indicating that stray It takes place in a world that exists 7 million years later than the world we live in now.
Accompanying the cat is a small robot named B-12 that can translate certain words and phrases it encounters along the way. At one point in the game, the B-12 read graffiti on the wall that robots were made as slaves, but in the past 2,544,875,556 days they have already developed their souls. Mimo Shikufu did the calculations and found that these 2.5 billion days equate to approximately 7 million years. Another player pointed out that bots might not perceive time like we do, pointing to the clocks in the game that read 16 hours instead of 12 hours. On the one hand, the robots live in a closed city isolated from the outside world, so it is conceivable that their days are not 24 hours. But others have wondered why human-programmed robots would have a different understanding of day length. So many questions, but a stray Which makes it more special.