There are a few more exotic places than the Taliban-funded Afghan and Pakistani schools where the early scholars and future Sharia experts will have access to spiritual food.
In Afghanistan, Taliban rule ended in paper form, but private religious schools continued, with hundreds of thousands of boys and girls studying – separated from each other, but even from the teachers, of course. Unlike public schools, there are no mathematics, grammar, geography, and history in these institutions, children learn the Quran exclusively, but literally from beginning to end, from a fundamentalist perspective. Women need to stay within the Four Walls, the West must be hated and despised, the enemies of Islam must be destroyed – all things that the average average Muslim disagrees with.
4-6 thousand children study in girls’ schools. The lower grade lasts from 7 to 11 and then the upper grade lasts from 12 to 18. Young girls are taught by older girls, while young girls are actually taught by Muslim men. Because in Islam, the sexes must be strictly separated, neither the teacher nor the student can meet: “When there is a man and a woman who are not husbands or relatives, the third person in the room is the Devil” – this principle is instilled very early even for the little ones. Temptation has no place in the classroom either, so the teacher separates Mr. Curtain from his students. In the island short film, a teacher chose of course a student to be his second wife anyway, but that’s totally acceptable in these circles.
These girls are not allowed to listen to music, dance, or go to their friends’ weddings when they are in a hotel in Lagzi. They cannot wear pants, show their faces to strangers, wear makeup or paint their nails. They cannot get a job, although they are allowed to teach Islam and provide medical care to women: Women cannot be examined by a male doctor according to their religion.
Young girls take what they hear in school as a sacred book, and one of the most important of them is: 1. Always obey your parents, 2. Unless your parents are between you and Islam, or they preach false doctrines. In this case, you even have the right to kill them. Most parents, of course, are happy that their children are very observant, and few drop out of school after a few months. Although the average Afghan or Palestinian citizen is a devout Muslim, the fundamentals of fundamentalism are far from the majority.
The secular world watches with horror at religious schools that intolerate children, as the traditional elements of education have no trace. Recently, there has been more news and wings that seminary teachers have molested young boys and raped young girls. It seems that when strictness is against human nature, hypocrisy always has colossal proportions …
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