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On July 22, 14 riders from Baja’s Remény Riding School took part in a recreational riding competition with 10 horses at the Hirling József Lovaspark in Kiskunhalas.
Their results:
Runner 1 Open Class I. Location: Mészáros Dóra-Zápor
Runner 1 Junior category I. Location: Koller Nina-Zápor
Skill Beginner: I. Location: Szurcsik Jázmin-Zápor II. Venue: Jázmin Szurcsik-Kicsipej III. Location: Gyurity Luca-Herceg Advanced skill: I. Location: Szelár Anna-Aisha II. Location: Réka Tóth-Zápor IV. Location: Szasz Dorina-Aisha VI. Location: Réka-Herceg Horváth
Skill difficulty: II. Venue: Faldum Lili-Álom V. Venue: Szabó Lili-Sáfrány VI. Location: Kövecs Vida Zora-Hazy Manager Jumping 60-70cm III. Location: Vinkó Hanna-Tirza IV. Location: Bakos Ramóna-Zápor V. Location: Director of Kövecs Vida Zora-Hazy
Jump 70-80 cm I. Location: Vinkó Hanna-Tirza III. Location: Valdum Lili-Álom IV. Location: Kövecs Vida Zora-Hazy Manager Jumping 80-90 cm I. Location: Faldum Lili-Álom II. Location: Finko Hana-Tirza
Congratulation To the riders and riders from other federations, as well as to the organisers, we can have a lovely Saturday behind us. We are also proud of our horses’ performance. Based on the points obtained in this way, Remény Lovassport Egyesület ranks 10th in the national ranking list for the recreational equestrian system and is currently the 1st Bács-Kiskun County Association. Valdum is nocturnal In the national rankings, only 9 points behind the top spot on the podium, he is currently in second place. Valdum is mortal He is seventh on the list of trainers, and based on points, he ranks among the 334 horse trainers on the list. However, there is still a good chunk of the season left. We spend the day resting and getting ready. We will continue to work under Advanced Riding Camp next week. You can support our competitors next July 29 in Donaszentpenedik. Thank you very much for the support on the site! Thank you very much Gabor Sabo, Balint Kovics And To Gabor Vinko, Our horses are transported to the venue with the utmost care. – Written on the Hope Riding School community page.