Tour guide and cave explorer Peter Tarsoli spoke about the special nature of the walk at Vörösmarty Rádio.
Péter Tarsoly, a regular guest of Vörösmarty Rádió, has been helping hikers and nature lovers with useful and interesting advice for years. Tour guide Zsuzsi Palkó from Fehérvár has directed radio listeners to where they have the best chance of seeing interesting and special birds in Fehérvár County in her bi-weekly program called Barangoló.
The specialist said that we mainly distinguish between three groups, the birds that live in forests and meadows and the life of birds from reeds and swamps.
The best place to watch meadow birds is Fornapuszta, which is located between Lovasberény and Csákvár. In summer it is worth spotting the colorful plovers here, but the pretty birds can also be found in the Iszka meadow, on both sides of the bike path between Székesfehérvár-Iszkaszentgyörgy, and on the road between Iszkaszentgyörgy and Csór.
Forest birds in the Vértes and Velencei Mountains, waterfowl near Lake Velencei, Dinnyési Fertő and, of course, the salt lake Fehérvár are worth seeing.
Listen to the interview, where specific methods will also be discussed!