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Székesfehérvár Városportál – outstanding performance in sports and school

Székesfehérvár Városportál – outstanding performance in sports and school

This year, twenty-five students were honored by the Fajr County Student Sports Association in the “Good Student, Good Athlete” ceremony. Students were honored in two categories, and the work of adults working in student sports in the district was honored with a special award.

On Tuesday afternoon, the ballroom of the Fajr County Government Office, the traditional good student, hosted a good sports gala from the Fajr County Student Athletic Association.

At the awards ceremony, students who not only performed outstandingly in their sports in the past year but also excelled in school were honored. Ten athletic representatives from twenty-two institutions in eight Viger County settlements were honored at the ceremony. Nine teachers won student sports awards in Fajr County. Awards were presented by Gabor Tanki, Director of the Vijer County Government Office, Tibor Jachowitz, President of the FMDSZ, Noemi Nemeth, Head of the Central Regional Office across the MDSZ Region, Attila Mezaros, Deputy Mayor of Szekesfehérvár, and Andre Barta, Deputy Mayor. Dunaujváros.

In his greeting, Deputy Mayor Attila Mezaros said: The young people who were honored today are true role models for their contemporaries. “The fact that you were able to sit here at this ceremony today implies a lot of resignation. Today’s youth are good at many things: some are good at sports, they study well, they are good at arts and culture. However, you are good at many things at the same time.” – The youth was praised by the Deputy Mayor, who added that in recent years, competitive sports for students have been hindered by the pandemic, and this year, the energy crisis, so the prizes offered are now more valuable. He also thanked the middle school teachers and coaches who help student athletes advance in their efforts.

Endre Barta, Deputy Mayor of Donaujváros, highlighted the power of communities in his speech. He praised the students’ achievements, and then stated that these excellent results are also the results of the support of communities, classes, teachers, and friends. The deputy mayor said that the role of these communities has increased in recent years in terms of value, and nothing shows their strength better than the results of honoring young people today.

Figure County Good Student and Good Athlete Award Winner:

Mark Balgir (Aleksutduboz), Bence Barany (Székesfehérvár), Zalan Çorje (Dunaújváros), Dalma Demeter-Ksuma (Székesfehérvár), Ksaba Fiket (Mizoválvais), Andvarservar (Mizoválvár) Imre István Horváth (Dunaújváros), Viktória Kántor (Székesfehérvár), Kolos Kovács (Mezőszilas), Zoltán Nagy (Sárbogárd), Anna Pinke (Seregélyes), Lilla Pinke (Székesfehérvár), Nora Pusztai Regina (Székesfehérvár), Jázmin Mirjam Reichert (Székesfehérvár), Benedek Tombor (Mezőfalva), Dorina Varga (Soponya), Závo Botond (Mezőszilas)

The most successful student-athletes in student sports districts:

Kitty Kovic (Soponya), Dorka Kolonics (Gárdony), Laki Boglárka (Mór), Balázs Mészáros (Adony), Kitti Nagy-Győri (Szár)

Figure County Student Sports Awarded to:

Mihály Bacsi (Székesfehérvár), Szabolcs Fenyvesi (Szár), Péter Horváth (Mór), Zoltánné Kántor (Zichyújfalu), Anita Kard (Iváncsa), Adrienn Kovács (Dunaújváros), Katalin Rácz (Székesfehérvár), József Sza Tiybor (Zámbró) feldspar)

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