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Szilvia Lubics prepares for competitions with special rituals – now not

Szilvia Lubics prepares for competitions with special rituals – now not
Szilvia Lubics and Katalin Novák talking to each other at Sándor Palace (Photo: Csaba Dömötör)

As a precursor to a very informal and nice conversation, some medals of the athlete were also presented, and then the long-distance runner was first asked by the President of the Republic about his readiness for the competition, who told him that he was following various measurements with special rituals – nails to match the colors of the host country. After the light questions, the topic was the athlete’s profession, family life and sports career.

“I have three wonderful sons and an even more wonderful husband. My sons are all grown up, and I am incredibly proud of them.” said Szilvia Lubics in her poignant introduction. – Without her, without my family, I would be nothing, neither an animosity nor the person that I am.”

The conversation revealed how much the 49-year-old was influenced by his grandmother, whom he always looked up to, and that he ran his first four kilometer race almost until the day exactly twenty years ago. According to him, most people make the mistake of thinking that you should run fast, although it depends on your endurance and you can improve very quickly.

In addition to the many interesting facts, Szilvia Lubics also spoke about motivational factors, diet and difficulties in the ultramarathon, and at the end of the event she told the audience that she will start in Scotland next, while in November she will start in Scotland. Participate in another desert race in Jordan.

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