Trojan asteroids are ancient bodies that contain the original material of the birth of the solar system in almost its original state – this was discussed by Ákos Kereszturi, a researcher at the Center for Research on Earth and Astronomy Sciences on the TV channel about NASA’s space launch. Saturday’s probe orbiting asteroids.

A spacecraft called Lucy will study a record number of asteroids over the next 12 years, during that time. It covers 6.5 billion km. One of the asteroids is scheduled to pass in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter in April 2025, and in August 2027 it will also visit the seven mysterious Trojan asteroids of Jupiter.

NASA aims to collect new information about the formation of the solar system 4.5 billion years ago. The expedition got its name from an ancient fossil called Lucy, which provided insight into the evolution of the human race.

From the formation of the solar system, asteroids and comet nuclei are celestial bodies that have survived. They form a transitional link between the ancient gas and the final planets, Ákos Kereszturi explained in the show, as the ancient fossil was called Lucy. Examining them can give a more accurate picture of the materials and processes that make up the solar system.

The astronomer said the instrument, the first solar-powered probe to date to operate far from the Sun, will be five times more distant than it orbits Earth. Therefore, the most difficult task was to solve the power source for the space probe, each of which is provided by huge solar cells with a diameter of more than seven meters each.

The spacecraft’s orbit returns to Earth three times, during so-called oscillation maneuvers, to use our planet’s gravity for its flight.

Trojan asteroids, named after Greek mythology, revolve around the sun in two swarms in the same orbit as Jupiter, one group going in front of the planet and the other behind it. The spacecraft will first examine moving asteroids in front of Jupiter, then celestial bodies behind Jupiter, visiting several of them in a row.

The spacecraft will travel a few hundred kilometers near the asteroids. On the other hand, it will study the shape and shape of the surface of asteroids, the materials they are made of, and how their material evolved in this particular dynamic situation.

“These are very ancient objects that contain the ancestral material of the birth of the solar system in almost its original state,” Ákos Kereszturi confirmed. In addition, according to the astronomer, it is also very mysterious, since it is likely that a significant part of its substance is water ice, but this has not yet been directly observed.

It contains a large amount of water because it is located where the snow streak spanned the ancient solar system. The astronomer added that there may have been a lot of water ice condensing here, but it’s far from visible. As a result of the spacecraft mission launched on Saturday, we can get a more accurate picture of what material the solar system was born from, as well as where the water ice that reached other celestial bodies came from.

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