Thus, the application finally meets an important criterion for European vaccine certification.

Is there a return to “normality” due to vaccinations? Absolutely: What is the “new” normal? we travel? Are we on vacation? Polynic? Are we going to the theater and concert? How threatening are the different mutations in the virus? Should we be afraid of the fourth or fifth wave, or several waves? In our article series, you will find everything you need to know about the coronavirus pandemic.

The type of coronavirus vaccination received is included in the EESC phone app. With this, the Hungarian application already meets an important criterion for vaccine certification in the European Union: mandatory Only that certificate must be accepted by the host country, whose owner has been vaccinated with a vaccine approved by the European Medicines Agency (EMA). (This is usually Pfizer, Moderna, Astrazeneca, and Janssen.)

As Minister Gergeli Golias said, the digital protection card will be renewed until June 15, It’s finally June 30. EU Covid passports can be used from 1 July and member states must develop them.

EU Covid ID is coming – we’ve collected everything you need to know about it

The adoption of the EU Covid card will be mandatory in a few days and throughout the European Union. has collected the most important information so you don’t have to rush out at the last minute if you want to travel. However, we have some bad news: whoever is traveling in the near future will definitely be in a hurry, because the galactic system is still not working.

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A lot will change from July 1, here are the most important أهم


The post office does not deliver more dailies and comes with an EU vaccination card.

The request for a certificate of protection will indicate which vaccine the person has received


The app will also show you when the second dose of the vaccine was given.