In Mesopotamia, many bricks were made on which the name of the current ruler was likely inscribed. Based on investigations, a strange situation occurred in the area at that time.

Bricks used in ancient Mesopotamia have helped reveal how the Earth's magnetic field changed just over 3,000 years ago. During this period, the magnetic field began to mysteriously strengthen, and traces of its influence can be found from China to the Atlantic Ocean. However, the effects of force become more apparent the closer we get to Iraq. However, there is not much evidence from the area, and it is undated, she says IFLScience.

The Earth's magnetic field is not constant. From time to time, weaker and stronger areas appear, and the reason for this is not known. But we know that this field protects us from space radiation, navigation systems are based on it, and it also affects animal migration. One of the most famous of these anomalies occurred more than 3,000 years ago, which we can now identify more closely thanks to those Mesopotamian bricks.

Mark Al-Tawil, a scientist at University College London, is investigating the mysterious strengthening of the magnetic field in the Middle East. Scientists often rely on radiocarbon dating, but this is not easy in the case of bricks, because they contain no organic matter.

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However, scientists found 32 bricks with the name of one of the 12 rulers written on them. It is believed that the name of the current ruler can be read on the bricks. Fortunately, the building material also contains iron oxide particles that retain the direction and strength of the magnetic field that was applied to them during firing.

2-gram portions were cut from the bricks, which were then analyzed using a magnetometer. the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences The study presented in the scientific journal found that the field strength in the region was twice what it was 1,000 years ago. Researchers believe that the second brick. They come from the time of Nebuchadnezzar, whose name is also associated with the creation of the legendary Hanging Gardens of Babylon.

They examined a total of five bricks bearing the king's name, and found that the strength of the magnetic field could vary greatly. For this reason, they now suspect that the volatility may have been much greater and stronger, even over a period of 42 years, than previously thought.

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