The spiky wheels of the China Moon Walk Jtutu-2 have provided a lot of important information about what the Earth is like on the far side of the Moon.

China made history in 2019 by landing on the side of the moon that had never been seen before on Earth. Jütu-2 has been orbiting the celestial body since then, and it was recently reported I have weird selfies there. It turned out later that It wasn’t a hut, but a rock.

Machine tools have gained a wealth of valuable information over the past two years, and even thanks to their wheels, important details have come to light. the robotics science Scientists have been able to draw conclusions about the Earth’s moon from about 1,000 meters captured by the rover, according to the scientific journal. According to them, the regolith is very different from what the Apollo astronauts once encountered: it is a powder as dry as sand on Earth.


Earth clinging to the rover wheels are more uniform than those used by American astronauts. It was inferred from the Jütu-2 movement that it was largely on flat ground, but also had to deal with moderate slopes. After identification, it was found that its structure resembles sand or sandy clay. This means a higher loading capacity than that of the soil samples previously examined.

What differs even between the two sides of the Moon is the number of rocks and craters in that region. They are also much larger in size than you know on the near side. In craters with a lot of reflective material, the expelled dust may have returned to the very weak atmosphere over time.

Experts will examine the data collected by Jütu-2 in the future to learn more about soil structure.

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