NASA scientists re-examined data recorded over the past two decades about Gobi, Jupiter’s largest moon, and came across a very dangerous discovery.

Astronomers have long studied Jupiter and the moons of the largest planet in the solar system. The recently repaired Hubble Space Telescope has now given scientists exciting data about the celestial body’s largest moon, Ganymedes.

a Next Web According to his report, researchers first found evidence of water in Ganymede’s atmosphere. According to the data, there is exactly water vapor. All this is a very dangerous discovery, since they have already proven that under the thick ice crust there can be huge oceans that could be the habitat of life.

The current data is not newly collected information. NASA scientists have reformulated data recorded over the past two decades to shed light on the presence of water vapor. The material probably comes from around the equator, where it is hot enough to lift some water molecules from the ice surface into the atmosphere.

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Scientists say the current result will also be useful for a new mission to launch in 2022, one of whose goals will be to look closely at Jupiter’s moon.

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