Although Microsoft has yet to detail the strange bug in Windows operating systems that causes all printers to be named HP, it has released an installable tool that can fix it. We show you what to do.

A strange bug appeared in early December in Windows 10/11, as well as in some server systems: suddenly all printers were HP-branded, even if the user had never owned any of these products.

Most affected users had a LaserJet M101-M106 printer installed, overwriting the settings of the other brand of printer – and if that's not enough, the system may also prompt the user to install the HP Smart app from the Microsoft Store.

It is a rare and strange error that Windows misrecognizes the device frequently and keeps overwriting printer settings from a different brand or type. All this is not only funny, but since the settings of a completely different device usually do not match, it can cause printing problems.

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Microsoft is already aware of the issue, although it has not yet determined what caused it – however, it has already stated that HP is not responsible for the error.

They also released a troubleshooting guide for those affected They must download it from Microsoft's support site. By installing this, in principle, everything can return to normal, at least it can restore the old and real “personality” of our printer, and it also deletes the HP Smart application from the device, if a legitimate HP printer is not added to it.

like this ARS Technology In the coming weeks, Microsoft will also release a troubleshooting tool that will no longer need to be installed separately on the device.