The Beatrice and Ós-Bikini frontman has a successful career behind him.
the I give my day On today’s broadcast Vero is great The guest showed his house in the morning, among other things, and then how his grandchildren are doing. The performer adores his family and would do anything for them, even putting his career on the back burner if necessary. Peter Gizzetti wonders who lives behind the “Cockroach Nation”.
“When I told my friends who I would see as guests in the second season of the show, and who the famous people would be celebrating their day, everyone was surprised by one name. The same name. They thought it wasn’t my world, and that I didn’t have much to discuss with him. I hope they’re wrong. I’m not interested.” Just how the Orbutan rocker’s day goes by, the grandfather in the beanie, but I also believe that this country would be a better and happier place if the two worlds met, if we sat in two armchairs facing each other and found what connects us. I’m sure it is “There will be more of these with the Kossuth Award-winning Cockroach of the Nation, Nagi Vero! To be revealed soon” – Peter Gzetti told nlc.