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The 60-year-old Japanese Empress was very beautiful at Buckingham Palace: she had a party with Camilla and Charles – Világstar

The 60-year-old Japanese Empress was very beautiful at Buckingham Palace: she had a party with Camilla and Charles – Világstar

Emperor Naruhito of Japan Empress Masako of Japan They arrived in Great Britain yesterday, and on their first day participated in many events with the royal family.

Empress of Japan Masako at Buckingham Palace

On the occasion of their arrival, during the day they took part in the Horse Guards Parade near Whitehall, they were transported to the event by horse-drawn carriage from Buckingham Palace. The Empress could sit in Queen Camilla's carriage, while the Emperor travelled with King Charles. They then visited Westminster Abbey, where they attended a ceremonial wreath-laying ceremony, before returning to the palace in the evening for a state dinner in their honour.

The 60-year-old empress looked delightful in a white evening dress.

In our photo gallery you can see photos taken of the Emperor and Empress of Japan.

DOGZ Festival in Varosliget!

On September 7, everyone is waiting for the biggest dog event of the year with dog shows, pack tours, exciting shows, consultations and children's programs. registration For the free event.


For this reason, Karolyi could not actually marry Camilla: the Queen did not like their blunder

If Caroli and Camila hadn't done that, they would have most likely gotten married.

I will read it

Cover and featured images: Getty Images

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