Do you remember Tom Willing? At that time, he played the role of the young superman, or Clark Kent in the Smoleville series, but now he underwent an amazing transformation that you will be surprised if you see his latest pictures.
This is what looks today
Smolville was a 2001 American -American TV series, where producers and writers, Alfred Gove and Miles Milar, rethink the history of Superman origin and its treatment on the basis of the DC Comics comics. The series, which runs for ten seasons, presented the years of Clark Kent youth, discovering his own capabilities and slowly becoming one of the most super heroes in the world. Tom Welling starring, which not only formed the legendary character, but also stole the hearts of millions of women as a heart lock, thanks to its very charming and attractive features. The series ended in 2011, and although the actor did not completely disappear from the audience, he definitely did not know how different it is in the 14 years. In our exhibition, we explain to you how to draw the tragic star in their days:
The series, which is popular in Hungary, follows the adventures of the young Clark Kent, which is dedicated by Tom Welling, the young man, in the small town of Smolville.
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Photo lead: Scott Grace/Getty Erch