During a pandemic, thinking between the four walls, many people in the UK decided it was time to get a four-legged companion for themselves.
However, enthusiasm often fades quickly, so dogs who deserve a better fate are taking to the streets more and more often.
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Photo: Pixabay
What was written, British online pet marketplace, prof Pets4Homes Data indicates that 466,601 dogs were deployed on their platform after the outbreak of the Coronavirus epidemic, a massive increase of 130 percent over the same period last year. The demand for puppies increased by 51% between March and December 2020. It is an unwelcome fact that among dog owners, there were thousands who chose not to ask for more in order to serve their four-legged companion, who was then taken to the streets simply “Noble” .
The UK’s animal rescue organization, RSPCA, has taken 5,955 dogs since the lockdown began, a record high.
Veterinarian Rory Cowellam told Sky News that the trend is likely to continue this year.
Many people are driven by the sudden idea of buying a puppy, there are some who have been procrastinating for a long time, and since they now spend so much time at home, they have decided it was time to get a puppy.
According to the article, the increase in the demand for dogs was also accompanied by an increase in dog theft and an increase in the number of people entering irresponsible industrial breeding, in the negative sense of the word. According to the RSPCA, there will also be some kind of dog grooming crisis in the UK this year which is why those considering buying a puppy are being urged to carefully consider whether they will be able to take care of the animal.
If you are sure of their work, be careful and only buy from a reputable breeder.