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The Constitutional Court listed the referendum questions on Gergeli Karaxone

The Constitutional Court listed the referendum questions on Gergeli Karaxone

It was declared unconstitutional.

The Constitutional Court according to Fudan University Because of an international treaty, the job search allowance A national referendum cannot be held on the question of budgetary implications.

The National Electoral Commission (NEC) has approved Christmas Girgi Questions submitted by This is also approved by minors. The two questions were as follows.

  • Do you agree that Parliament should repeal Law No. LXXXI of 2021 on the transfer of assets to the Fudan University Foundation Hungary and the Fudan University Foundation Hungary? Law?
  • Do you agree that the maximum job seeker allowance should be 270 days?

In both cases, they appealed to the Constitutional Court with a constitutional complaint against Correa’s decision. In the case of Fudan University, according to the petitioner, his right to a fair trial was violated due to the fact that Correa did not examine the constitutionality of the referendum and the purpose and content of the case were unclear.

In its decision on the prohibition of referendums under the Basic Law, the Constitutional Court ruled that the law seeks to annul the referendum on the question of the referendum with a view to implementing the international treaty with the People’s Republic of China.

According to the Constitutional Court, the amendment or repeal of a law directly related to the fulfillment of obligations under an international treaty is not subject to referendum under the Basic Law.

The Constitutional Court decided that the case in this case falls within the prohibited scope of the Basic Law. Thus, the court’s decision was unconstitutional and the Constitutional Court overturned it. The resolution disagree Imre Juhász, László Salamon, Balázs Schanda, Marcel Szabó And Peter Szalay Constitutional judge.

A constitutional complaint was also submitted in the case of the job seeker’s allowance. According to the petitioner, Correa’s decision will follow that in the absence of an amendment to the Budget Law, the amount available for the job seeker’s allowance will not be increased in the central budget. I will pay accordingly.

In its decision, the Constitutional Court ruled that the question that will be put to a referendum is prohibited, because it will lead to a fundamental and numerical change in the central budget and its implementation, which will directly and significantly affect the annual budget law of the country. The court’s decision on this ground was unconstitutional and therefore the Constitutional Court overturned it. The resolution Agnes Cousin, Ildiko Horchernier Marusi, Laszlo Salamon, Balaz Chanda, Marcel Szabo, and Peter Szalay provided separate opinions.

Parliament’s Judicial Committee has already submitted Suggestion to make a decisionOn this basis, a national referendum on the two issues will be ordered. On Tuesday, the National Assembly in the National Assembly Stephen Holick He talked about the fact that the situation was quite clear legally, and that members could do nothing but say yes to the proposal.

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