The Earth's magnetic field is extremely important, as it protects life from deadly cosmic radiation, but it is known that the field can weaken, and according to researchers, there was a period 26 million years in the Earth's history when the field was 30 times weaker. From the current value.
A new study conducted by researchers at the University of Rochester Stady Discover an amazing record of the Earth's magnetic field It could be weak for up to 26 million years So much so that he almost collapsed. This period of very weak magnetic fields temporarily interferes with atmospheric and oceanic oxygen. This meant that life continued to multiply in the oceans, while there was more and more oxygen in the atmosphere.
According to the study, this period witnessed the emergence of animals of the Ediacaran era, which includes the oldest complex multicellular animals known to science. These prehistoric mollusk species lived between 600 and 540 million years ago. That's why researchers examined ancient plagioclase crystals to learn about Earth's history. These crystals contain microscopic magnetic minerals that retain the strength of the Earth's magnetic field while they are produced.
The researchers found that during the formation of these crystals A The Earth's magnetic field was very weak, about 30 times less intense than today. According to the study, the weak magnetic field may have allowed large amounts of hydrogen to escape into space, increasing oxygen levels on Earth, paving the way for the diversity of life forms.