Finally, long-distance motor racing fans can rub their hands together, as Nacon has announced the Endurance Motorsport Series, in which only truly persistent players who make good strategic decisions will win.
Nacon and KT Racing are very busy these days, because in addition to the new test drive, we also have the new MXGP segment to thank them for, but motorsport fans were not left idle during the latest live broadcast either. This time, fans of long track racing will be spoiled, as the Endurance Motorsport series has gameplay that is not typical of other games.
Since there is no time to hesitate, we have to adapt our racing decisions and strategy to current events (crashes, weather), and here it is not enough to just drive well. We have to find the balance between speed and consistency, because that is the only way we can win.
Not only do we challenge the duration of the races, we can excel in several classes, including Hypercars from the biggest manufacturers, LMP2, and the GT class as well.
The studio developed the KT engine specifically for motorsport simulation, which delivers a realistic experience and faithfully reproduces the world's legendary tracks. We only get a bunny tail for the trailer next to the ad. The Endurance Motorsport series will be released in 2025 for PC, Xbox Series