The Buso Boxing Department was attended by Mhackx, which was also the Károuly Sárdi Memorial competition. Three of our passengers were on the platform.
The event was reported by Gyula Alvics, a professional leader.
This was also interesting for us because Károuly Sárdi was born in Mohács and competed in Pvsk, where he achieved excellent results, under the leadership of Géza Horváth. 35 teams consisting of 120 competitors weighing, and unfortunately, only one episode was created by the organizers, and fought forty nights for first place until 9 pm. Those who did not have a discount before the match, we presented a training partner. The competition was a good and useful opportunity. All our competitors are praised for the good and negative side. In April, there will be a national Hungarian cup, kept by PVSK, one of the strongest beginners competitions this year.
From Tuesday, Réka Hoffmann will participate in the Bocskai Memorial competition in Debreceen, and we hope to be on the platform.
Pvsk Beginners Results:
Tamás klárics 52 kg. Second place
Boujdan Sfeir 54 kg.
László hajabács 60 kg.
Alfons in Tori 75 kg.
Adam Pelvi 60 kg. Second place
Millie in Tori 85 kg. First place