The first Portuguese series, Gloria, made specifically for Netflix, was introduced. The protagonist of the espionage thriller, set in 1968, during the Prague Spring and Salazar’s dictatorship, is a young Portuguese KGB agent, and the plot revolves around Radio Free Europe broadcasting behind the Iron Curtain.
“In Spain, France and Russia, of course, the film is shown simultaneously,” says Albano Geronimo, one of the Polish actors. – In the United States and Brazil, it will synchronize in principle, but there is clearly a possibility to watch it with the original sound. Gloria will be available in 190 countries, which is serious for a Portuguese film.
The Gloria was directed by Tiago Guedes, and the first season consists of ten episodes – whether there will be a sequel will primarily depend on the audience. Within 15 days of the season premiering, Netflix will decide whether there will be a second season, based on the production’s success and visibility.
The Netflix streaming service provider recently consciously opened up to non-English language films, so that not only British and American productions, but also Spanish or Korean series are among the most popular.