a in the Hungarian newspaper The first published decisions provide for the transfer of 47.5 billion HUF of credits to finance economic restart programmes. The government has “cut off” the required amount from several places. Thus, the implementation of the foreign language strategy between 2019 and 2027 in the amount of 22.8 billion Swiss francs, the budget of the Central Statistical Office in the amount of 10.5 billion forints, and the payment obligation arising from escrow transactions of Garantiqa Hitelgarancia Zrt. became less. Although this decision called for the Minister of the Interior to make available a total of HUF 20 billion for the start-up program – by November 30, 2021.
Another resolution provided Ft1 billion and Ft50 million from this year’s budget for the institutional development of the Transylvania Reformed Church District and the operation of the Sabentia Foundation. HUF 264 million from next year’s budget can be used for this purpose.
The third resolution provides 1.5 billion HUF for the necessary processing to protect the southern territorial waters base of Szentendre. The decision refers to the government’s decision issued in April of this year, according to which 162 billion HUF from the Environment and Energy Efficiency Operational Program (KEHOP) for improvements related to waste management and treatment could be exceeded by a specified HUF 1.5 billion.