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The largest prefabricated factory in Hungary has been delivered

The largest prefabricated factory in Hungary has been delivered

As part of the Hungarian-owned Bayer Construct group of companies, Viastein Kft. Production began in the second half of 2017 at the paving plant in Biharkeresztes. The second phase of development was the establishment of a paving stone refining plant, which was completed in 2018, and today the third phase of the development of the plant complex has been completed, and as a result the company has handed over the precast concrete plant.

Raw material production issues will be highlighted at the 15 September 2021 Real Estate Investment Forum Conference. Click for details!

The seed investment was implemented within the framework of the support won in the tender of the National Investment Authority. The factory hall with an area of ​​20,000 square meters, built on a total area of ​​14 hectares, is the largest prefabricated factory in Hungary, which enables the production of 60,000 square meters of raw materials for the concrete hall, construction of 2,000 apartments and 3.400 family homes.

An important aspect of the investment was the use of renewable energy sources, so solar panels were added to the roof structure of the auditorium building. The precast concrete plant will use 14 different manufacturing technologies.

Cover image source: Bayer Construct

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