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The National Liberation Party decided to enter into government formation talks with the Public Security Directorate

The National Liberation Party decided to enter into government formation talks with the Public Security Directorate

The National Political Bureau of the Liberal National Party (NLP) decided Monday night that the Liberals would begin government formation talks with the Social Democratic Party.


Of the NLP Executive Council members present, 40 supported and 22 opposed the party entering a coalition with the PSD.

After the meeting, former party chief Ludovic Orban told the press that the current president, Florin Coe, had put to a vote a proposal to share power with the Social Democrats.

The National Liberation Party later announced in a statement that an “absolute majority” of the members of the Political Bureau had voted to start negotiations with the Public Security Directorate “to ensure the stability required to resolve the political and health crisis.”

The brief stated that “for the Libyan National Party, remaining in the government is not an end in itself, but rather a necessity to achieve what is contained in the government’s programme.”

According to the statement, negotiations will begin on Tuesday and “certain principles should not be up for discussion.” These included: the majority organized around the National Liberation Party and the liberals give the prime minister. Treating the National Recovery Plan approved by the European Commission as a national project; Macroeconomic stability in Romania by maintaining the specified deficit path; They will not raise taxes and the state will be a “loyal partner” of the business community; continue wage and pension reform and administrative reform; Implementation of the judicial reform undertaken and the closing of the cooperation and verification mechanism; Preserving the country’s European and Euro-Atlantic engagement and maintaining a strategic partnership with the United States.

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But the liberals stated that the future alliance must respect the partnership between the National Liberation Party and Klaus Iohannis, the head of state. “This is necessary in order for these negotiations to lead to tangible results,” he said.

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