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The New President Elects (There) The United States – Part Six

The New President Elects (There) The United States – Part Six

In recent years, we have become accustomed to the Hungarian left throwing its “watchful eyes” abroad in the absence of vision and ability to work, hoping that external forces wage their internal political battles for them and even help them win the elections. This was the case with the Soviets and the European Union today, and the same is expected of the Biden administration in the future. Not surprisingly then, in the wake of news of Biden’s victory, they issued a series of cheerful messages congratulating the newly elected president of the United States.

The American nightmare is over. Soon the Hungarian nightmare will be over. It was mentioned in a post on Facebook András Fekete-Győr, Momentum’s boss, adding that “the Biden administration will be Momentum’s natural ally for the next four years.” However, Momentum had a rival for the Allied position, as Jobbik was huge Welcomed to contact Election of Biden, indicating that they will strive to establish the best possible relationship with the new administration and the future ambassador. And they added without any self-irony, explaining that they depend on foreign assistance to change the government: “We finally have the opportunity to join the United States to break the power of populist and illiberal dictators.”

“Trump was good for Orban’s government, and President Biden would be good for Hungary” – Nailed it Mayor Jirjeli Christmas. According to them, the opposition already expects the US leadership to interfere in Hungarian domestic politics – on their part, of course. After all, they think it’s a good thing for them and therefore for Hungary, and it’s bad for Orban’s government. However, the “bad” they can think of is nothing more than outside political pressure. We need to embarrass the mayor: He also twice won the Fidesz-KDNP parliamentary elections under the Obama administration, with a two-thirds majority. But at the time, there was a “reinforcement” of the opposition protests in the person of US embassy chief Andre Godfriend, who had clearly violated the rules of diplomacy by participating in the demonstrations.

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Of course, the question that arises for everyone is: What kind of President Biden will he be and what will he represent in foreign policy? From his first statements, we can conclude that an activist US foreign policy imbued with neoliberal ideology and “exports of democracy” will return, which will undoubtedly lead to friction on the international stage – if not directly lead to the outbreak of new wars. New armed conflicts could lead to new waves of immigration, of which Europe will drink.

However, there is no need to hurry too much, as the whole world is currently suffering from the Coronavirus pandemic and the ensuing economic crisis. Presumably after his inauguration on January 20, Biden will also have to deal with this for the first time before taking on the role of Global Caretaker. Not to mention that there may be a split in the United States that may not have been tried in centuries, which can be deepened by putting ideological issues such as amnesty for illegal immigrants, gender theory, or the racial issue on the agenda, leaving the far left of the Democratic Party. After a questionable purity election, the new president, who has already been blackmailed by the forces who think he owes much of his victory, will not be in an easy situation: Black lives matterThe movement regularly reminds Bident of the important role she plays.

What can we Hungarians expect from the Biden administration? Indeed, it can be said that the relationship will not be as friendly and amicable as it was during the Trump presidency. During the campaign, Joe Biden mentioned Hungary alongside Belarus and Turkey, which was vehemently rejected by Foreign Minister Peter Cigaro. We just add that, interestingly enough, Hungary was more sympathetic to the president-elect when, in the 1970s, He spent his honeymoon with us. At that time, he must have found the democracy, rule of law, and freedom that he likes to mention, and there is a good chance that he will be held accountable, because In his opinion Nationalism, imperialism and authoritarianism are spreading all over the world, and they are all obstacles to solving global problems.

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As a Senator and Vice President, Joe Biden has spent a lot of time in foreign policy and has already met a large portion of world leaders. Tony Blinken, of quasi-Hungarian ancestry, could help the president organize the world Minister of Foreign Affairs. Blinken may have a deep knowledge of Hungary not only because of his background, but also because his father, Donald Blinken, was the US ambassador to Hungary from 1994-1997. Tony Blinken had been with Biden for nearly 20 years, having served as his national security advisor during his deputy’s tenure. In this capacity, he has contributed, among other things, to shaping the American response to the tensions in Syria and Libya, which means that the migration crisis has erupted partly because of him.

(Photo by Shendan Khanna / AFP)

For now, we can only conclude with the Biden administration’s foreign policy on the basis of past statements and its political past. However, it is important to note that the Hungarian government had democratic leadership for 6 years during the ten years of the Hungarian government, and during this time the dream of the opposition was not fulfilled: Viktor Orban was not overthrown from the outside. So it would be too early to drink left on bear skin …

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