Where eggs are stored is the subject of much debate. While some people are perfectly happy keeping them in the cupboard, others prefer to keep them in the fridge just to keep them safe. Who is right? The chef will tell you.
Eggs are a staple in most kitchens, but exactly where to store them is still a controversial topic. While some families keep it in the cupboard, arguing that it is not refrigerated in supermarkets, others always put it in the fridge after taking it home from the store.
Most people agree that eggs are safe to keep in the cupboard in the UK where chickens are vaccinated against salmonella, but some disagree.
Now the confectioner explains why eggs should be kept in the refrigerator to ensure complete safety, and why not in the place that the machine manufacturers originally designed.
Many people are familiar with the trays of eggs that are often found in the refrigerator doors, but Anna Williams, head pastry chef at the award-winning Fallow restaurant, believes that this is not the best place to store them.
Anna says: “It’s best to store eggs on the middle shelf of the refrigerator, near the back, in the carton they came in. This place in the refrigerator is best for keeping eggs at a consistent temperature, and the cartons provide optimal protection and also have an expiration date on them.”
According to Anna, leftovers, sandwich fillings, and condiments also have their place on the same shelf.
A different method should be used when storing broken eggs. The chief confectioner recommended that the whites and yolks be kept separately in a covered container away from other foods, and that they should not be used after 24 hours, he writes. pass.