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The Pentagon has been given 180 days to reveal what it knows about UFOs

The Pentagon has been given 180 days to reveal what it knows about UFOs

We allowed everyone who knew and loved JÓZSEFNÉ RAZI to give birth in deep pain. Juliana Kovacs, a former resident of Bugiszlo, passed away at the age of 86. His last rest will be on Thursday, April 8, 2021, at 3 PM, at the Catholic Cemetery in Bugiszo. We hereby thank all those who will accompany you on your last trip. The sad family

We know all who knew and loved that JÓZSEFNÉ PALOTÁS would give birth in deep pain. Anna Boucher, a resident of Tolna, passed away quietly at the age of 90. His last post-cremation rest will be on Friday, April 9, 2021, at 1 p.m., in the Tolna Cemetery. We hereby thank all those who will accompany you on your last trip. The sad family

We allowed everyone who knew and loved HOFFMANN BOLDIZSÁRNÉ to give birth in deep pain. Catalin Magel, a Seko resident, passed away at the age of 82. He will be buried on Thursday, April 8, 2021, at 1 p.m., in Ciko Cemetery. We hereby thank all those who will accompany you on your last trip. Please do not condemn. The sad family

We know all who knew and loved that Mihili Gyorgi, a resident of Punihad, had tragically passed away at the age of 72 in profound pain. His funeral will take place on Thursday April 8, 2021 at 3 pm in the Mayan cemetery. We hereby thank all those who will accompany you on your last trip. Please do not condemn. Lovers of mourners

We know everyone who knew and loved that JÓZSEF JOKO TAKÁCS, an auto mechanic, died of a long-term illness at the age of 70. His last rest will be on Saturday, April 10, 2021, at 11 am at the downtown cemetery in Szekszárd. We hereby thank all those who will accompany you on your last trip. Please do not condemn. The Haddad family

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We let everyone who knew and loved that Tillman Jacob died in the 82nd year of his life in deep pain. He will be buried on Wednesday April 7, 2021, at 3 PM, in the Thermal Cemetery. Before that, at 2.15 pm, there will be a Mass of Mourning at the church. With this we thank those who laid a wreath on his grave and accompanied him on his final journey. The sad family

We offer it with deep pain to all who knew and loved ÖZV. Mrs. TÁTYÁS TILL is a resident who passed away in the 89th year of her life. His funeral will take place on Wednesday, April 7, at 12:30 p.m., at Tifeli Cemetery. Mass in front of him. We hereby thank all those who will accompany you on your last trip. The Haddad family

We inform everyone who knew and loved that the inhabitant of JÁNOS CSIZOLSZKI from Alsónánai had quietly passed away at the age of 70. His last rest will be after his cremation will take place on Tuesday, April 6, 2021 at 3 pm in the cemetery in Alsonana. We hereby thank all those who will accompany you on your last trip. The Haddad family

MEMORIAL On the occasion of the sixth anniversary of the death of JÁNOS NYIRATI Faddi, “Your face is eternal, your word will never fade away. All your smiles will remain in our hearts.” beloved ones

We are deeply saddened to announce that LÁSZLÓ SZENTES IMRE, loving husband, affectionate father and grandfather, selfless brother, soulmate and talented builder, has died tragically at the age of 65. Given the epidemiological situation and the fact that our loved ones fell victim to a disease caused by the virus, we will accompany him on his last trip with a close family. We ask everyone who loves and knows them to light a candle in the house and remember it this way! The sad family

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We communicate with deep pain to all who knew and loved that our beloved brother Elonra Penlaki, a resident of Sixzard, had quietly passed away from a serious illness at the age of 75. His last rest will be at a cemetery in the lower town of Szexzard according to a Catholic funeral rite on Wednesday, April 7, 2021, at 3 pm. We hereby thank all those who will accompany you on your last trip. The Haddad family

Memory ID. On the fifth anniversary of the death of dear Lachus, “you never made us sad, only when you left me here forever.” The sad family

We inform everyone who knew and loved that SÁNDORNÉ SZABÓ does not. Szexzard resident Anna Koster died unexpectedly at the age of 77. His farewell will take place on Tuesday, April 6, 2021, at 11 am at the downtown cemetery in Szekszárd. We hereby thank all those who will accompany you on your last trip. The Haddad family

We know all who knew and loved that JÓZSEF GÖTZ died unexpectedly in the seventieth year of his life in Szekszárd in deep pain. His last rest will be on Tuesday, April 6, 2021, at 3 PM, at the downtown cemetery in Szekszárd. We hereby thank all those who will accompany you on your last trip. Please do not condemn. The Haddad family

We inform everyone who knew and loved that ISTVÁNNÉ VÁNCSA does not. Paul Zenobia, a resident of Bunyhad, died at the age of 84. His funeral will take place on Thursday, April 1, 2021, at 1:30 p.m., at the Lutheran Cemetery in Bunyhad. We hereby thank all those who will accompany you on your last trip. The sad family

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We inform everyone who knew and loved that ISTVÁN BERÉNYI “Szittya” died on March 16, 2021, in the 75th year of his life, in deep pain. Farewell in a small family circle in Budapest. His memory lives in our hearts!

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