Britain celebrates the 70th anniversary of the accession to the throne of Elizabeth II, and all this is a Bloomberg According to his information, he could even push the UK into recession.
Holidays on Thursday and Friday are calculated to reduce the economic performance of the second quarter by about 0.5 percent based on previous similar holidays. All this, in parallel with the deterioration of health services due to the low tide of the coronavirus pandemic, could cause a decline of 0.4 percent between March and June.
At the same time, efforts to import lost emissions in the coming months may be enough to prevent the country from declining for two consecutive quarters.
Recent estimates point to difficulties in the UK’s recovery, as although there has been significant growth since the reopening of bars and restaurants, consumer confidence in the country has been steadily declining since then due to rising energy bills and taxes.
All this, in parallel with the unprecedented level of inflation in 40 years, threatens the economy with stagnation or even a pronounced decline. Finance Minister Rishi Sunak announced last week a £15 billion subsidy to cushion the blow on the population.