2022. mjus 26. 09:08
The Day of Reformed Unity took place at Gyulafehrvron with about two thousand and ten participants. The statue of Prince Bethlin Ghabbour was inaugurated at the ceremony, followed by a religious mass preceded by the inauguration of the church, conferences and cultural events.
Statue of Prince Erdali passes through the red historic nave. Kp: Has Vince
It was exciting to be a Hungarian Reformer in Gyulafehrvr on May 21st: The Krpt Basin came from many angles, including Canada and the United States, for Reformation Day, which was now home to the Erdly Reformed Church. This one-day event was last celebrated in 2019 in Debrecen with a personal presence.
Earlier, on May 22, 2009, the Constitutional Council adopted the Constitution of the Hungarian Reformed Church. With this, the members of Hungary, Kryptalia, Partium, Transylvania, southern Sweden and abroad acquired an unparalleled religious and fraternal community. Because of coronary artery disease, it has not been possible to hold a large-scale mass event in the past two years. One day, they shared less than the previous days. Worship in Custozza tren.
On the Day of Reformed Unity, more people came to Gelaferver.
By mentioning Bethlin Ghabbour, Reformed Unity Day can now be called a day that, according to Tossi Szilard, was preceded by 21 days of conferences, killings, the opening of churches and other programs. On May 19-20 at Bethlen Gbor College in Nagyenyed, an unorthodox conference was held on the need for school, based on the fact that the Prince of Transylvania founded the Collegium Academicum at Gyulafehrvron in 40022. The three-day celebration was also held, and the Transylvanian Reformed Church proclaimed This year her education is in honor of this year. The event, which lasted for several days, was marked by the killing of vines at 19-20 at Gyulafehrvron. Interested parties were able to peruse documents, contemporary books and school publications from Bethlen Gbor and Apafi Mihly, learn about a school history exhibit in the Krpt Basin, and view the churches launched under the Rmer Flris scheme launched in 2015.
After the church in Magyarlab, the president of the association Katalin Novek had a nice chat with the locals • MTI
The special occasion for this year’s celebration was the simultaneous burning of a church in southern Transylvania on May 20. In the churches of Csobord, Magyarlapd, Szkelykocsrd, Gyulafehrvr, Alvinc, Marosszentimre, Szszvros, Kmnd, Algygy, Magyarigen and Boroskrakk, worship services were held at the same time as the parish leadership (Pspk) was represented).
Katalin Novek Magyarlabdon
Arrived long before the worship service. Entering the garden, he greeted an old fellow theologian. Anders Burbandi did not quit his job. “We knew that the fire would declare a fire in the church, but not that we would bring Cat No Gin, Radouls to the government of Catalin Nouvek,” he said hastily. And in one of the doors he apologized that if you called him earlier on the phone, he probably could not answer.
“At first, they thought it was a joke, they were very surprised,” said Erica Burbandi, Anders’ wife.
In the church, they immediately gathered the priest, transferred the women, and began to work. In addition to all this, it was necessary to prepare for the worship service in Gyulafehrvri, because the small church in Fehrvri could not afford all the costs. The people of Lapland vowed to eat bread on the Sabbath, the people of Kzombordi to take the wine, and the people of Ilidzentkerli to take the flower.
The President of the Republic, Katalin Novek, also addressed the Reformed Church in Magyarlapd • MTI
The church was well stocked, and it was evident that in the days before the church was opened, the work had been diligently done and the shade carefully planted. The world of the church has changed, and many take their seats on the pews around the church. Not everyone came to the chapel because of the invitations: there were many, as the locals not only wanted to take part in the worship service, but also came from Tasndrl and Hajdnnsr, two other congregations. This was highlighted by Etelka Tams, a former church chaplain and former church official. The guests were welcomed by local children who were very excited about the event. School students gathered with a party.
The youngsters were excited to learn that Katalin Novek was also visiting the village – Melinda Molner, a Hungarian teacher at the educational institution in Lapland, shared her chances of sending Deko. After the preaching of Cat Plaa, the local priest Anders Burbandi was convinced that the Hungarian state had helped the Hungarians and reformers in Transylvania effectively in the past. Subsequently, Catalin Novek described the gatherings. “I shuddered when I read that Magyarlapd was mentioned a thousand years ago in the estates of St Stephen’s wife, Giselle. Our parliament said there is a destiny in being here as the first Hungarian presidency.” Catalin Novek added: “The performance of churches has not been so accidental, we also want to spend time With them, we want to know what we’ll have here in a thousand years.”
Guests in Hungary: Potpi rpd Jnos s Brendus Rka • Haz Vince
To keep the audience together, I believe that the whole celebration, the preaching, and the whole celebration of the galactic days can be summed up in the words of Psalm 100, verse 4 of which was read in the service, and which can be read in the church: Praise. Give me a name, send the name! After the service, the invitees participated in a love school next to the church, and the locals enjoyed music. In the middle of the courtyard, I spoke to István Kiss, who described him as a “rize” similar to other church members, and that the church visited not only the church, but the church as well. We did a lot. From work on the occasion of the opening of the church, and we also had a parlour next to it. I also worked a lot with Lapdias. I live here across from the church,” he pointed wistfully to the adjacent plot. Istvn bcsina has a grandson from Chrome, but she can rarely see them, because her children are no longer in the village, from Szkelyfld to Magld, Hungary. “We’ve been here for a long time, and the Church is constantly dwindling, trying to keep up with the Reformed Hungarians,” he explained enthusiastically, calling him to a meeting in mid-July.
Weddings from all over Ardali
Simultaneously with the consecration of the church in Magyarlabd, the word of God was uttered in nine other churches. Even in places where Mr. hardly to fix. The house was nowhere to be found, as churches arrived at forgotten churches from many churches. Alvincre is also from Marosdcsr and Felvinc. So much so that, according to Ferenc Ghabbour, pastor of Dix City, many were reluctant to do more than just celebrate. The one-day program didn’t end there, as the official opening took place in Naginaid. In the old teaching apartments on Bethlen Street next to the college, the Church in Transylvania is undergoing extensive renovations to create a modern wine route that benefits the school and locals alike. On this street you can also find the former house of Pspki, which is now waiting for visitors. The inscription on the facade, now unveiled by Catherine Novek of Cat Pla, announces the original purpose of the chrome building: the property was the seat of service at the Pspk Correctional Facility between 1784 and 1847. A statue of Petlin in Custozza’s training day in The historical center of Gyulafehervr, Custozza was trained. By nine in the morning, buses began to travel from different parts of Erdley. Just over forty came from the Diocese of Brassie from Szkelyfld and Partium. Seventy-one people from Morris Mejisigi County came forward.
Rgi Bible Gilaffrey killtson • Haz Vince
“We arrived by bus, but if we could announce the event in churches sooner, we would have arrived more than once,” Levente Sentieri, a priest from Mejisvalva, explained to our newspaper. On the other hand, more than a hundred people from Kklli Egyhzmegye came to the concession. There were also many people from the field who met the Hungarian Brotherhoods. The Reverend Ferenc Fzikas led the 45 Nirptoret, who said that they had left Niers the day before, had visited Tordet and Naginade, had reached Tvinin, and had reached Wehrver. The pastor of Szab Lszl Marsvsrhely-Felsvros, who came to this day with 26 young men from the church, also planned a two-day visit. They made their way by train, and after the feast made their way to Alvinc, where they were taken to the left but forgotten papillae.
Of course, people from Hungary did not come to the Fehrvri event from Friesland. Kornl Nmeth came from Szkesfehrvrrl as a member of the Gyulafehrvri fraternity.
“It is remarkable that we can meet our Reformed brothers again and participate in such a large-scale event. “We believe that many of us can hear the word of God and get to know each other in the captive basin,” said the priest, who read the inscription of Jesus. “Jesus is invited.” To the offspring, because he is the master of the Church. Explained Nemeth Cornell, who also said that it is good to be on a historical train where our reformers have been present for centuries and the word of God has been there if we call upon him, he will be present, and there will be spirituality heard in the nearby cathedral.
“Unfortunately, Bethlen Ghebron hasn’t been a big galactic event this winter,” one said wistfully, but also proudly.