A fifth analysis of the status of birds in the UK, Channel Islands and Isle of Man (Birds of Conservation Concern – BoCC5) has been published, classifying 245 bird species regularly present in the region as red, amber and green, similar. Traffic light colours.
An analysis published in the December 2021 issue of the British Journal of Ornithology unfortunately shows a steady decline in the status of bird numbers. A total of 70 species (29% of those assessed) are now in the red classification, compared to 36 in the first review in 1996. Since its last review in 2015, yellowfin has become extinct as a hairy species. Eleven species have been moved to the Red List, while only six have been moved from red to amber. Newly listed species include the globally endangered storm thorn swallow, but also the formerly common sickle swallow, mill swallow and grebe! The general condition of agricultural, mountainous and long-term migratory species has not improved; More than one of these species has been included in the Red List. The condition of winter waterfowl is also a growing concern. The little good news is that thanks to targeted conservation measures, otters have moved from the red category to amber, or the previously dangerously declining flock of blackbirds is also beginning to grow.
Published for the fifth time since 1996, this assessment classifies birds into categories according to standardized criteria, which, however, do not fully align with the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List Guidelines. Therefore, the participating professional organizations conducted an internationally comparable analysis on the basis of IUCN standards.
Unfortunately, it is not surprising that the picture obtained in this way is also not favorable: 46% of the 235 regularly assessed species are threatened with extinction. If the nesting and wintering stock are treated separately, 43% of the 285 population in the analysis is threatened with extinction.
The analyzes took into account data on the size, population change and distribution of bird species, most of which were provided by volunteer surveyors and birders from the island’s bird conservation associations, including the RSPB and BTO.
A detailed analysis of the bird populations of Hungary is published in the Hungarian Atlas of Birds recently published by the Ministry of Agriculture and the Hungarian Society of Ornithology and Nature Conservation. Shows the book that madaratlasz.mme.hu Available at
(Source: Hungarian Association for Ornithology and Nature Conservation: https://www.mme.hu/)