22 year old german Luca Pferdmengis He has visited 190 of the world's 193 countries and says Egypt is one of the most underrated places in the world. Traveling influencer with 2.9 million followers on TikTok Daily Mail In his interview on Saturday, he spoke about his travel experiences.
I think Egypt is the most annoying country for tourists.
– He stated, while he doesn't have a great opinion of some popular tropical destinations either:
The Maldives, Mauritius, Seychelles, and most of the Lesser Antilles in the Caribbean are overrated. They are often very touristy and don't have much to offer other than beautiful beaches.
As for Europe, he said, travelers can safely skip Belgium, which is his least favorite country on the continent:
I didn't feel completely safe, and I'm talking about Brussels. And many Belgian cities are pretty ugly too. They're grey and depressing, especially in winter.
As for the positive surprises, he specifically mentioned two European countries:
It's amazing how little recognition there is for places like Montenegro or Slovenia. These are some of the most beautiful countries in the world – and they're cheap – but no one visits them.”
– He stated somewhat exaggeratedly, since many people from Hungary visit these countries on their own. He also included Uzbekistan, Myanmar, Bhutan and “most of Latin America” in his list of undervalued gems:
People tend to forget they exist, even though they are often more exciting and affordable than classic tourist destinations.
He said.
When asked about his favorite country on Earth, Pferdmengis couldn't name just one: Mexico, Brazil, Israel, Spain, Bhutan, the United Kingdom, the United Arab Emirates, Portugal and Austria were the nine countries out of the 190 he's visited. . Favorite.