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The UK will set up ‘asylum centers’ for Afghans in Turkey and Pakistan

The UK will set up ‘asylum centers’ for Afghans in Turkey and Pakistan

British Defense Secretary Ben Wallace said in an interview on Sunday that the UK government plans to set up “asylum centers” in Pakistan and Turkey for Afghans “to whom we owe”. Meanwhile, the government has also admitted that not all “indebted” Afghans will be able to evacuate the country – which is why these asylum centers are needed.

Since last Friday, the British have managed to evacuate 1,429 Afghans from Kabul airport, all of whom had previously assisted the British mission with work as an interpreter and in other jobs. However, the government appreciates that at least once again it has a lot of former aides left in the Taliban-occupied country that they would certainly like to receive.

Thousands of people gathered in and around Kabul airport as the Taliban marched into Kabul. Most of those gathered at the airport have cooperated with Western soldiers (or a relative of those people) in some form over the past 20 years, so they fear reprisals from the Taliban, but there are also some who don’t want to live in their shadow. The extremist Islamic Taliban movement. At the airport, many people were desperately trying to get out of the departing military planes, roughly according to NATO estimates. 20 people have died in such accidents so far.

Meanwhile, the US and British militaries, who are still carrying out rescue operations, have basically conceded that no one outside Kabul can be rescued from the country unless they somehow reach the airport on their own.

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According to the British Defense Minister, the need gave birth to the idea of ​​establishing asylum centers in Pakistan and Turkey, and they are working on how to receive Afghans from third countries to help them if they can leave Afghanistan without assistance. (guardian)

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