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The United States has issued a Canadian wildfire alert

The United States has issued a Canadian wildfire alert

Smog was already visible in New York State and City on Tuesday, visibility decreased, and by Wednesday morning, air pollution was also felt in Washington, DC.

Parts of New York state were on a fine particulate matter alert (PIM 2.5), with New York City and Philadelphia rated very unhealthy, according to data released Wednesday morning. The air in Washington, D.C., is rated as unhealthy. Smoke makes the air unhealthy in both Detroit and Chicago.

Ruthless wildfire ravages Canada: Smoke also paints New York sky orange - video, photos

Ruthless wildfire ravages Canada: Smoke also paints New York sky orange – video, photos

The worst air in the world

The worst air quality in the world was measured, Wednesday morning, in cities in the Canadian province of Ontario, which are located directly near wildfires.

Experts drew the attention of the population to avoid physical activity outdoors. Outdoor activities have been canceled in New York City schools. In his press conference on Wednesday morning, Mayor Eric Adams called the situation unusual and asked everyone to stay home if possible.

According to the Federal Environmental Protection Agency, smog will remain over the northern states of the United States for several more days.

Meteorologists explained this phenomenon by the fact that a slow-moving low-pressure weather system is transporting smoke from extensive forest fires in the Canadian province of Quebec over the eastern part of the United States, which will reach the northern states and the United States of America. South Carolina in the coming days, MTI wrote.

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