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The warships would be deployed by the British if there was no Brexit agreement

The warships would be deployed by the British if there was no Brexit agreement

London will protect the British fishing area with four warships if no agreement is reached between the European Union and Britain on trade relations by the end of the week.

The fisheries issue has become one of the symbols of Brexit and has been a major issue in trade negotiations between Brussels and London, despite the fact that this sector of the economy does not represent a very significant level in terms of number and contribution. To GDP.

They see her in London and BrusselsIt is very likely that no agreement will be reached on future trade relations between the European Union and the United Kingdom. It must be agreed on Sunday.

Meanwhile, the two sides prepared a package of emergency measures and are preparing for the new situation.

The Navy is ready

Britain’s Ministry of Defense said on Saturday that the British Royal Navy was preparing to conduct patrols in British territorial waters in the event that no agreement is reached in negotiations on terms of a future trade relationship between the United Kingdom and the European Union.

According to the spokesperson, the ministry has carried out extensive planning and preparation activities for the period following the end of the current transitional period at the end of December. According to a ministry official, four Navy patrol ships are on standby to inspect British territorial waters, and

The wallet will enforce the UK’s rights as an independent maritime nation through “robust” measures, if needed.

Among the emergency proposals is one that would enable law enforcement units of the Royal Navy to board foreign ships and detain violators.

In the absence of an agreement, the Common Fishing Policy will not apply to the British from 1 January, which also means that only British fishing vessels will be permitted to fish in the EEZ 200 nautical miles off the coast of the United Kingdom.

Writing the Daily Mail According to him, conflicts such as the 1970s, and the alleged cod wars, which were fought with Iceland before the British joined the European Union, could be repeated. At that time, the British also sent frigates into “battle” and collided with the Icelandic Coast Guard ships, but only warning shots were heard from time to time.

Regarding fisheries, the European Commission has begun to create a temporary legal framework until December 31, 2021 or until a fisheries agreement can be concluded with the United Kingdom.

In practical terms, this would have meant that EU and UK fishing vessels would continue to have mutual access to each other’s waters. However, the British rejected this proposal.

Guardian BooksSixty percent of the catch made by fishing vessels in the European Union comes from British waters, especially mackerel and herring, which are not very popular in the British Isles, especially for cod.

It is unclear to what extent the British Navy will be able to effectively control the EEZ. They can help track EU fishing vessels, particularly through satellite monitoring.

Cover photo illustration.

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