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The whale accepts the help offered to him.

The whale accepts the help offered to him.

There are many good opportunities facing Taurus today. Your daily horoscope.

III.21. – IV.20.


Today the power of Mars can support you in asserting your will against anyone. However, it is better to be careful, because open doors can quickly close if you are too opportunistic! Be especially careful when negotiating with your supporters, because today you can get upset over unimportant things. Do not under any circumstances turn your back on those who have stood by you until now.

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IV.21. – V.20.


You are very tolerant and friendly today, and this may also be evident to those around you. Someone may take the opportunity to smooth over your differences, while others will be happy to get in your good graces. Many good opportunities will come your way today, but you need to be alert to truly take advantage of them.

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V.21. – VI.21.


Today, you will have energy for serious things, but you will be superficial. You may be prone to debauchery and inattention. Do not spend your money on beautiful but useless things. Now, even in love, you may leave a lot of things to the other person, which you will regret later.

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Interested in our other horoscopes? Read more here!

Seventh.23. – Eighth.23.


We are at a time of a Full Moon in Aquarius, which enhances your friendships and your need for independence. Today, no one can tell you what to do and what not to do, because you whistle on the rules. You prefer gatherings with friends to family gatherings and you may need to go out a little tonight.

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Eighth.24. – Ninth.23.


Today you question everything. You want to innovate and rebel. You are looking for unusual and innovative solutions and trying to integrate new ways of seeing. It is difficult to cooperate with you, and this can be noticed in the field of work and relationships. However, you are alone and you know that the world is not ready for your great ideas.

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IX.24. – X.23.


You may be tempted to think of your relationship today as a duel in which one of you must win and dominate. Note that it is better to have a balanced balance of power and be more willing to compromise. Even if you hurt him, you cannot always be right about everything.

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Interested in our other horoscopes? Read more here!

11.23 – 12.21.


You are likely to be overly idealistic about someone today, which will quickly lead to disappointment. Because of your kindness, you tend to assume the best of everyone. Be extra careful with sudden promises and when someone makes big words. This is never a good thing.

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12.22. – I.20.


You are afraid to admit and express your feelings, lest you be ridiculed. If something hurts you and you feel you have been treated unfairly, don't let it go without a word! If you suppress it within yourself, it can quickly come back in the form of illness. Use the power of the moon to bravely step out of your shadow!

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I.21. – II.20.


Your self-righteousness can show itself today, dear Aquarius, so your family and partner will not have an easy time with you! Good intentions always guide you, but that does not prevent you from doing something crazy. Recover your Uranian energies a little and try to look at your life as an outside observer.

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