The excavations carried out in the Brigitteo area are also important among the archaeological excavations of the Roman era. Matti Vinci, Deputy Minister of State in charge of Public Collections and Cultural Development at the Ministry of Culture and Innovation (KIM), spoke to MTI about this.
Mattei Vinci presents excavations at Brigitte's military bath Open day The Minister of State visited the site in Komárom on the occasion of a course in which archaeology students do summer training every year. Excavations in the city and the former Roman fortress in Komárom have been ongoing for 30 years.
World class drilling
The Deputy Foreign Minister stressed that there are only four or five military and civilian cities similar to Brigitte that have survived from the Roman world. In recent decades, it has become clear that Komárom was a prominent Roman city, one of the jewels of the ancient empire. He also mentioned that traces of the former Roman civilian city have been found in Komárom, and traces of the former military city have also been found within the city limits. In recent decades, most of the Hungarian archaeological profession has been studied here, and here Hungarian archaeology has become in demand in the world.