The pyramids found in many parts of the world are all very unique, although countless similarities have already been noted by experts in past centuries. Inside the pyramids in Egypt There are still countless surprises for experts, and there are also flights that archaeologists have not yet visited. Then, we can also find the final answer as to why these giant buildings were built.
But in the case of Mesoamerican, Aztec and Mayan pyramids, there is a surprising specialization.
The fact is that often these pyramids are not individual structures, but rather many pyramids stacked on top of each other. Inside the largest, the rest of the pyramids alternate. A striking indicator of this Matryoshka-like structure is Cholula, which hides the largest pyramid in the world, the one topped by a Catholic church. Its view is amazing from afar, but as we approach the building, and after the excavations carried out by the researchers, the monstrous structures in the pyramid appear one after another, that is, more and more pyramids.
Moreover, in the case of Cholula, we can hear about an amazing labyrinth inside the structure.
Each layer is special and deals with different other spiritual worlds.
But who built these structures?
A huge disc-shaped object was found near the Mayan pyramids, which later turned out to be a thousand-year-old temple
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What is interesting about the whole thing is that earlier, in the 16th century, the monks who came to the site encountered the story of the flood, which also exists in the world of European mythology, in connection with the construction of the pyramids. According to indigenous legends, these structures were built by giants. In addition to the myths, a very interesting question is who built these structures, these numerous pyramids on top of each other.
Researchers cannot give an answer to this question. It is likely that many successive civilizations preserved ancient structures, but also built their own structures on top of them. But researchers do not know who the original builders were, and who could have built the first pyramid in the specific location.
Here are the amazing structures:
A secret Hungarian tribe has been found in Egypt, and there may be many of them – their story is history itself
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