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There is currently no room for Bortoletto at McLaren

There is currently no room for Bortoletto at McLaren


Wednesday 23 October 2024 at 09:38


Bortoletto's name has been mentioned several times in connection with a chance to race in Formula 1, but there is currently no place for him at his parent club, McLaren. At Woking Stable, they are happy with their current riders, so are not planning to make any changes.

McLaren Racing Managing Director Zak Brown also spoke about Gabriel Bortoletto's situation over the weekend in Austin. The 20-year-old Brazilian driver belongs to McLaren and is currently leading the Formula 2 Championship points race.

“Bortoletto is a great driver. Our main priority for him right now is to help him win the Formula 2 championship – that's what we're focused on,” said Zak Brown.

“We don't have a seat available for you. We're very happy with our current riders, but at the same time I would never want to hold anyone back in terms of their career. We'll see how it goes for him.”

“So the main focus is on the Formula 2 championship and not holding him back from any opportunity if we cannot give him a seat in Formula 1. “It seems unlikely at the moment that we will be able to give him the opportunity,” Brown added.

An additional seat is officially available for the 2025 Formula 1 season, with Sauber yet to announce the identity of Nico Hulkenberg's teammate for next year. Although there have been strong rumors from time to time regarding a contract extension for Valtteri Bottas, Gabriel Bortoletto and Franco Colapinto could also be candidates for the seat. It's pretty clear from Brown's words that they won't block the possibility of a transfer for Bortoletto.

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