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They set the bar even higher: nearly two hundred competitors managed to prove themselves in Mohacs

They set the bar even higher: nearly two hundred competitors managed to prove themselves in Mohacs

Two years ago, we were able to report this on our portal With the aim of creating traditions The Plié Cup rhythmic gymnastics competition is being organized for the first time. Well, wishes come true, because at the end of this year, in the last weekend of May, the famous SH BAU-Plié Cup was held for the third time, this time hosted by the Sports Hall of the city of Mohács.

In the nationwide rhythmic gymnastics competition, nearly 200 competitors from nine associations competed in one day. Societies from the capital and its catchment area, Venice, Pács, Kaposvár and neighboring Pécs, also arrived. The two host teams of Komló and Mohács were present with more than 30 competitors.

Domestic podium results:

1st place: Laura Hojcska (2013), Lilla Borbély (2012), Sofi Varga (2012), Réka Muk (2008)

Second place: Zoé Györei (2011), Cintia Flódung (2008), Maja Krizsák (2011)

3rd place: Zoé Illés (2012), Dorka Szilasi (2008), Dorina Varga (2011), Jázmin Jancsarics (2011)

– I am glad that, like last year, we were able to organize a high-quality event, this time in Mohacs – Dóra Csenge Vörösvári, Head of Department, told our portal. – It’s always a pleasure for girls to be able to compete on their home turf, which is especially useful now, as there isn’t a much better preparation opportunity. The end of the year is crowded: after that we can prove ourselves in Törökbálint at the National Student Olympiad. I would like to thank SH BAU Mérnöki KFT for their support, as well as everyone who helped us in any way to make this event possible. We will continue into the fall!

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