As part of the initiative, the British planted more than 3 million trees in the late Queen’s name.
Report from Sandringham House garden on Sunday morning Third. Charles And Prince William. The King and his heir announced that they had planted one of the last planned maple trees as part of The Queen’s Green Canopy project. Thanks to this initiative, the late British planted more than 3 million trees secondly. Queen Elizabeth Basim.
It’s hard to believe it’s already been two years since my mom and I planted a tree in Windsor Great Park to celebrate the start of The Queen’s Green Canopy Project. As the second planting season draws to a close, and with this vital initiative, I would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone in the UK who has helped plant over 3 million trees to create a lasting legacy in Queen Elizabeth’s name. This project showed how simple, practical, and positive gestures can make a big difference, and I can’t think of a more appropriate tribute to Her Majesty’s 70-year reign.
– It can be read in the text of the third entry. Signed by King Charles.