Its hind legs are fused together, and its reproductive organs are too large, so the animal must undergo surgery.
Last week, a six-legged puppy was found in the car park of a British supermarket. the BBC According to his report, the 11-week-old female spaniel, named Ariel, not only had enough legs, but was also born with two reproductive organs.
According to the report, when the animal was found, it was neither hungry nor particularly malnourished. A passerby entrusted the little girl to members of an animal rescue organization called Greenacres Rescue, who immediately visited a vet with her.
The animal’s fused extra legs are described as follows: The femur, which separates into the shin bones at the knee joint, but unfortunately is not completely functional. Because of her hip joints, Ariel’s pelvis didn’t develop properly either.
Animal rescuers indicated that hundreds of people are already ready to adopt the animal, and thousands of pounds have already been raised through the community to carry out the necessary operations. After the animal survives the first trials, its fused legs and extra reproductive organs will be removed.